Welcome to the new member of SpikePRO!

Welcome to the new member of SpikePRO!

Mehmet Oh started his position as a research scientist at HPE in December 2024 and will work together with Thomas Van Vaerenbergh and Matěj Hejda.We welcome him in the consortium and wish him lots of success in the project!
Welcome to our first Postdoc

Welcome to our first Postdoc

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Danqi Lei as a new Postdoctoral Researcher to the UCL MBE Group! Dr. Lei recently received her PhD in Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering from the University of Glasgow in 2022. Dr. Lei brings a wealth of experience in nano-device...
Welcome to our first PhD student

Welcome to our first PhD student

The SPIKEPro project welcomes its first PhD student, Osamah Sufyan! Osamah brings a strong background in physics and computing (TU Berlin, Oxford) to the project. Working with Prof. Lüdge at TU Ilmenau, he will focus on theoretical modeling of laser networks,...
SPIKEPro at the European Neuromorphic research days

SPIKEPro at the European Neuromorphic research days

SPIKEPro was at the European Neurormorphic Research day, a one-day event that brings together coordinators, participants and collaborators from many European projects and industry partners that work in the field of neuromorphic computing. Various presentations were...
Vacancies: 3 open PhD positions

Vacancies: 3 open PhD positions

Are you passionate about artificial intelligence and pushing the boundaries of computing hardware? We’re excited to announce 3 open PhD positions at TU/e to explore the fascinating world of Spiking integrated photonics and electronics for neuromorphic sensing...